List of subcontractors

Splio Group (shall mean the company Splio SAS registered in Paris, France, under number 434533071 with its head office at 27 Boulevard des Italiens 75002, Paris, France and any company in which it, fully or partially, owns the majority of the capital or voting rights) uses Sub-processors to assist in the provision of its services. This page provides information about the identity, location and role of each of Splio’s Sub-processors.

Last update : November 2023

What is a Subprocessor?

A Subprocessor is the natural person or legal entity that processes or may process personal data on behalf of the Data controller.

What is a Data Controller?

A Data controller is the natural person or legal entity that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of the personal data.

What is Splio?

Splio is a Subprocessor, processing the data collected by its Clients who are Data controllers.

Splio is a Data Controller for the data collected by Splio for the purposes of its own activities.

Information about Splio’s Subprocessors

For all Customers who have signed Splio's Standard Personal Data Processing Agreement ("DPA") or Standard SaaS Services Agreement (the "Agreement"), Splio provides prior written notification, via its CRM tool, of any updates to the list of Subcontractors used by Splio to provide the Services.

Pursuant to the DPA or Contract, a Client may object in writing to the processing of its personal data by a new Sub-processor of Splio within thirty (30) working days following the update information and such objection shall describe Client’s reason(s) for objection. If Client does not object during such time period the new Sub-processor(s) shall be deemed accepted.

If a Client objects to the use of a new Splio’s Sub-processor, the Parties shall meet within eight (8) working days from the date of the refusal in order to evaluate an alternative solution; if the Client maintains his refusal, and only in this case, each Party may terminate ipso jure (without any formalities) the DPA and the Contract with a three (3) months period notice sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Splio will provide our Clients with notice of any new Sub-processors, along with posting such updates here.

Security and Confidentiality measures

In the event where Splio contracts with Sub-processors, Splio undertakes to impose on its Sub-processors all necessary obligations to ensure that the confidentiality, security, availability and integrity of the personal data are respected, and that the data cannot be transferred or lent to a third party, or used for purposes other than those set out in the Contract or DPA, and guarantees that the above mentioned Sub-processors will respect their obligations.

Splio's subprocessors

The following is an updated list of the names and locations of Splio's secondary subcontractors in English and French.

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