El pasado 2 de febrero fuimos invitados a participar en la sesión de Fashion Lab de la Feria MOMAD, Salón Internacional de la moda celebrado en Madrid. In this occasion we participated in this international fair to talk about customer loyalty and management of the customer experience in the fashion sector.
Toni Parada, country manager of SPLIO, began his intervention by giving the audience an overview of how the consumer is today. From the outset, it was clear that the type of customer that retailers are facing today is radically different from the type of consumer that we had encountered a few years ago.
Aunque muchas veces se habla solo de los millenials, el cambio no está únicamente protagonizado por ellos. The whole society is changing. The consumer and information-seeking habits of all generations are changing.
Y es que hasta hace poco, la marca era hiper-poderosa, ya que todo giraba alrededor de ella. But in today's world, we are increasingly faced with a consumer who demands his power in the relationship, who is aware of his importance and relevance. A consumer who demands security and that the brands adapt to what they know about him. Es decir que le ofrezcan una experiencia de cliente superior y omnicanal, unificando online y offline.
Para poder ofrecer una experiencia singular, única y excepcional, debemos conocer bien a nuestros clientes. We need to know what interests them, what they like, what they don't like, in what tone to talk to them and through what channel," said Toni.
Y aquí es donde entra la tecnología.
The Customer Experience Management platforms allow us to have a global view of the customer, to exceed their expectations, increase their satisfaction, loyalty and unconditional love for the brand.
En definitiva, utilizan la infinita cantidad de datos que las empresas tienen de sus clientes para personalizar y mejorar la relación con él, en todo momento, sin importar el punto de contacto.
Y para ello, la personalización y la relevancia son clave. Es por esto que, para cerrar la sesión, se mostraron diferentes ejemplos de acciones y campañas clave dentro del ciclo de vida del cliente, como Cross & Up-sell avanzado, Retargeting en web, Post compra-seguimiento o interacciones geolocalizadas entre otras.