The current consumer is very different from the one we had just a few months ago. Debido a los cambios de estos últimos meses el consumidor, más que nunca, busca marcas con las que relacionarse (casi como si fueran personas), y establecer una relación en la que las interacciones, y no solo las compras, tienen significado.
For this reason, today, it is more important than ever to get to know the customer and, above all, to establish a relationship with him through a loyalty programme. A loyalty program based on the knowledge we have of the customer, stored in our CRM, which allows us to personalise the rewards, messages and, ultimately, the relationship with the customer.
All of this may seem like a very complicated and costly undertaking, especially at a time of great uncertainty such as the one we are living through, but it is necessary to carry it out and, furthermore, it is possible to do so if we work with small steps that lead us to our final destination.
No es necesario montar un complicado programa de fidelidad desde el inicio, sino que con pequeñas acciones podemos acercarnos mucho a nuestro cliente y a nuestro objetivo de que sea más fiel a nuestra marca (y en consecuencia compre más). Es el caso de la cadena de tiendas especializadas en deporte, Benito Sports, con la puesta en marcha desde 0 de su programa de neofidelización.
To be able to start an effective and profitable loyalty programme from scratch, we need to know who our customers are. Es primordial, identificar al cliente en todas las interacciones que haga con nuestra marca para poder seguir todo el camino que hace con nosotros. And to achieve this, there are 3 key points:
- Incentivar que el consumidor se una al programa de fidelidad, haciendo una captación muy activa tanto online como en tiendas físicas. The acquisition of new customers is very easy thanks to the use of QR codes in the shop, and through specific emails and a prominent position on the web.
- Digitalize the card and the loyalty program in the Mobile Wallet of your customers. This allows the customer to always have their loyalty card in their wallet for quick identification. In addition, as it is digital and dynamic, the card is updated in real time and informs them of the advantages, points, status, promotions, etc.
- Keep a single view of the customer in the CRM, where you can copy, centralise and analyse all customer data both on and off-line.
Once we have identified the customer and monitored their interactions in all channels, it is time to use all this information to build a stable and highly profitable relationship with them. We have to get rid of the "more purchases, more points" mentality one by one. The loyal customer is not only the one who buys a lot, but also the one who carries out a series of on and off-line interactions with your brand, whether it is a purchase or not.
Por ello, debemos recopilar y puntuar todas las interacciones CRM, sociales, web, en el ecommerce y transaccionales, porque así integramos la dinámica de fidelidad en nuestra estrategia de marketing. Each interaction provides a number of points and each level helps to reach a certain status and access different rewards.
Además, todos los datos recopilados nos permiten aumentar nuestro conocimiento del cliente y a la larga preparar campañas, acciones y recompensas que les interesen más y consigan movilizarlos más, para hacerles cada vez más fieles a nuestra marca y como consecuencia comprend más y nos recomienden.
As has been proven, building the foundations of an effective loyalty program is not as complicated as you might think, if you have a clear understanding of the principles and the right technology and support. ¿Quieres que te ayudemos a conseguirlo? We are at your disposal