Marketing automation: more than a trend, an essential strategy for success

28 June
Marketing automation

Marketing automation is a must for companies looking to increase efficiency and productivity. Technological advances in recent years have made it possible to develop powerful tools for automating marketing processes, improving segmentation and personalization and data analysis.

What form does automation take in marketing?

L'automation in marketing can take many forms. Many companies today automate their online advertising campaigns, social network management, prospect tracking, data analysis, etc. Automation can also be used to automate internal company processes, such as inventory management, order management or invoicing.

It's important to note that automation in marketing isn't limited to artificial intelligence (AI). Indeed, many marketing tasks can be automated using simple tools, such as content management systems and social network publishing platforms.

AI remains an important element of automation, however, enabling marketers toanalyze voluminous and complex data to better understand customer and prospect behavior. This can translate into more accurate product recommendations, personalized offers and more engaging customer interactions.

Automation: what's next?

Marketing automation processes have evolved considerably in recent years. The tools of "marketing automation"These tools have made it possible to save time and increaseefficiency by automating recurring, time-consuming tasks, such as sending emails, managing advertising campaigns, and collecting and analyzing data.

Marketing automationsoftware isn't the only tool available to marketers to automate their actions. Companies also use chatbots to automate communication with customers, scoring tools to evaluate leads, recommendation algorithms to personalize offers and much more.

The market for marketing automation is booming. According to a recent study by MarketsandMarkets, the global marketing automation market is expected to grow from $6.1 billion in 2019 to $25.1 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.8%. Companies of all sizes and in all sectors are concerned by automation, which is seen as essential for improving efficiency and profitability.

Future developments in this mode of operation are promising: advances in artificial intelligence will gradually make it possible to develop even more sophisticated systems for analyzing data, predicting consumer behavior and personalizing offers in real time. Chatbots will also be enhanced, becoming capable of understanding and responding to complex customer requests with greater precision.

Towards total robotization?

While algorithms and software from marketing automation can help with repetitive and time-consuming tasks, they cannot replace creativity and the ability to think strategically. And automation tools should not be overused. Some companies focus so much on automation that they lose sight of the main purpose of marketing: communicating with customers. Automation should therefore be seen as a support for human, engaging and personalized communication.

Automation also poses challenges in terms of confidentiality and data protection. Marketers need to be aware of current rules and regulations to ensure that data is used ethically and responsibly. The development of chatbots with built-in AI makes this control more complex: their responses are moving and their thought patterns sometimes circumventable.


Marketing automation has become an essential element for companies seeking to increase efficiency and profitability. Today's automation tools have enabled marketers to save time and deliver more targeted campaigns, while improving the customer experience. However, this automation should not be seen as an "end in itself", but rather as a means of optimizing existing marketing processes. Advances in AI, robotics and connectivity have the potential to further transform automation in marketing, offering new possibilities for personalization and customer engagement. Marketers must therefore pay close attention to these technological developments to strike the best balance and remain relevant to their customers.