CEM (Customer Experience Management) is a new way of understanding the relationship between retailers and their customers, an essential tool for creating lasting and meaningful relationships with them.
The individual has changed and so have his expectations. Para adaptarse a este cambio, las marcas deben recurrir a nuevas herramientas que les ayuden a acercarse a cada cliente, saber identificar lo que este espera y poder ofrecerle una experiencia nueva, que marque la diferencia y les desmarque de la competencia. Customer Experience Management (CEM) is the answer to this new need.
With an approach that goes beyond the simple CRM (Customer Relationship Management), centralising the collection of an infinite amount of customer data through all contact points, analysing them and offering them a personalised service, anticipating their needs and providing much more effective opportunities. Se pasa así del concepto de relación con el cliente (CRM) basado en crear una base de datos sobre este y poder gestionar sus interacciones con la marca, a una estrategia CEM que busca poner al cliente en el centro de la estrategia de la empresa, para ofrecerle experiencias que superen sus expectativas.
Se estima que para 2017 el 50 % de los proyectos de inversión en productos se centrará en innovaciones relacionadas con la experiencia del cliente, según Gartner. No obstante, para lograr este cambio de paradigma no sólo es necesario contar con la tecnología adecuada, sino también cambiar el enfoque de la empresa para que cada uno de sus trabajadores ponga al cliente en el centro de cada acción y estrategia.
The new challenges of the retail sector
Today's consumer is more demanding, more connected and more difficult to retain. They have access to more information than ever before and are less impulsive at the time of purchase. En este entorno, las empresas de retail tienen que ganarse la confianza de los clientes ofreciéndoles no sólo un buen servicio, sino una experiencia de uso personalizada y privilegiada, para lograr fidelizarlo. Asimismo, las evoluciones tecnológicas obligan a los retailers a adaptarse a la multicanalidad, al offline, al online y a tener un recorrido unificado.
La tarea a primera vista parece titánica: los retailers tienen a cientos de clientes diferentes que pasan por sus tiendas. In fact, according to Capgemini Consulting, 44% of customers believe that loyalty programs lack relevancy and personalization. How can we achieve relevancy and give all customers a personalized service? CEM technology helps marketers by providing a tool that helps them understand who their consumers are and places them at the centre of the strategy.
CEM: the indispensable solution for retail marketing
Según Garntner, el 82% de los responsables de marketing considera que la competencia se centrará en un futuro en la experiencia del cliente, un porcentaje que hace cuatro años era del 36%. En el sector retail, es importante que estos encuentren una herramienta que responda a los retos técnicos específicos de marketing relacional del sector, sin limitar la creatividad de los especialistas en marketing.
In order to meet these needs, from Splio we provide Spring retailers with a tool that allows them to manage their campaigns independently of the channel, developing a personalised customer journey for each client. In this way, it is possible to adapt the offer according to the customer's profile and actions. The customer feels recognized, regardless of the channel in which they are located. Spring also offers a simple way of comparing information between all departments.
Brands need solutions that help them to digitally transform their business for the benefit of the customer, a transformation that must affect all areas involved: from sales agents to managers. With the help of technology and tools such as Springesta tarea se hace mucho más sencilla. In turn, we obtain a close, totally personal service and a better experience throughout the customer's life cycle, from the prospecting stage to the VIP customer level.