Our vemos in E-show 2015

23 March

El eShow regresa a Barcelona. One of the reference fairs in the Ecommerce and Online Marketing sector, will return to the city of Barcelona on 25 and 26 March for its 17th edition. During these two days, the Fira de Barcelona will be the meeting point between the sector's professionals, where the latest national and international news will be presented and the most topical issues will be discussed. As every year, Splio will not miss out on its place at the eShow and in this edition we will be at stand number 51, where we will be able to discover the full potential of our multi-channel marketing tools for integrated management of email marketing, trans-accounting emails, SMS and Social Media. Además de este espacio de exposición, vamos a llevar a cabo diferentes actividades que no te puedes perder:

Fast Talk, mid 25 11:30h Location: Fast Talk Area SMS, ejemplos de porqué es una herramienta de venta eficiente SMS is more alive than ever as a marketing tool, both for retailers and for ecommerce, due to its great conversion in sales and traffic. Come a descubrir por qué y cómo sacarle el máximo partido. Ecoffee, jueves 26 11:45h Sala Ecoffee (al lado de la entrada al salón) Rich SMS for Retail, aportando valor al cliente Mejorar la experiencia del cliente es imprescindible para cualquier retailer y el Rich SMS ayuda a tener una relación más personalizada e interactiva con ellos, aumentando así su fidelidad y el ROI de las campañas.

As a marketing expert, our business director Susana Torres will be in charge of carrying out these training sessions. ¡Así que ya no hay excusa para no asistir a E-show y venir a visitarnos al stand 51! We are here
