Llega EmailForge 4, the multi-channel marketing platform

18 February

e4-logoEn Splio estamos muy contentos de poder anunciar el lanzamiento de la nueva versión de EmailForge, EmailForge 4which goes one step further in the management of online marketing. What does the new EmailForge 4 bring? Pues para empezar, EmailForge 4 ya no es sólo una plataforma de email marketingsino que se ha convertido en una plataforma para la gestión del marketing multicanal. From now on, from the same interface you can manage email marketing, sms marketing and social networks. This change allows companies to go one step further in the relationship with their current and potential customers al poder simultanear desde la misma plataforma campañas de marketing en diversos canales, y llegar de manera efectiva al consumidor tradicional y al consumidor online.



With more than 12 new features, EmailForge4 also allows you to segment campaigns, thanks to an advanced segmenting module, and to have all the statistics to measure the return on investment, with more than 100 KPIs available.New functions EmailForge 4 comes loaded with new functionalities, among those that we like:

  • Social Marketing, to advertise email campaigns on Facebook and Twitter directly from the platform, and to insert comparison buttons into the HTLM plantillas.
  • SMS, integration of the SMS channel with a high sending capacity and possibility to personalise the content of the messages.
  • Centrado en el cliente, incluyendo informes completos de la actividad de cada cliente en cada campaña, categoría de clic o histórico. All the detailed data on the activities of those who receive the campaign (apertures, clicks, compressions, 'social' behaviour in the networks, interests, etc.) allow the campaigns to be segmented to the nearest millimetre so that thecustomer's life cycles can bebetter managed, the messages optimised and the marketing pressure controlled.
  • High monitoring, with more than 100 KPIs to control the growth, yield and rotation within the segments.
  • Seguridad reforzada, el acceso a las cuentas de EmailForge4 ha sido especialmente reforzada para disminuir el riesgo de piratería o robo de datos. We have strengthened user authentication by incorporating, in addition to the classic user name and password, a personal code that the user receives on their mobile phone and that changes every 30 days.
  • Unique, visual and attractive interface that allows easy interpretation of data, with more than 30 control panels.

nueva campaña`

EmailForge 4 is a multi-channel platform in SaaS mode, available in 7 languages and used by more than 200 clients in 15 countries. The platform has a high sending capacity thanks to the 80 servers that absorb, send and guarantee the availability of data in real time: more than a thousand letters per month, more than 1 million SMS per day and more than 20,000 campaigns per month. ¿Aún no trabajas con EmailForge 4? Contact us for a free test and start enjoying all its benefits.
