Los bloques condicionados son una poderosa herramienta de personalización avanzada, que desde el pasado 30 de noviembre, incorpora la plataforma de email marketing EmailForge. Esta nueva herramienta, permite enviar un email que contenga miles de variantes de contenidos, y sólo mostrará a cada usuario el contenido que le interesa, según hayamos establecido. Let's take an example. We would like to send a search campaign for our website and we would like the products that appear to be different for men than for women. Without the required blocks, we had to make two different creations and two different mailings, dedicating much time and effort. But this is no longer necessary. Ahora basta con crear un html que contenga los contenidos de ambos, y luego determinar en el código, cuáles son para mujeres y cuáles para hombres. When the addressee receives the email, the block will search the database for the sex value and, depending on this value, will show only the content that corresponds to it and will hide the rest of the message. These dynamic information blocks are not limited only to text, but can include html, tables, divs, images and anything else you can imagine. The configuration is simple, and the possibilities are infinite, since there is no limit to the number of values that can be set. In this way, it is possible to send a single campaign, which contains many possible messages and which is adapted to the characteristics of each recipient. This new tool not only saves time and effort, but also ensures that the user's experience is increasingly personal.