Increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns with greater personalization

Advanced customization features

Advanced customization features

Put personalization at the service of campaign performance

The importance of personalization in customer marketing is well established.

For personalization to be effective, customer data must be integrated at the heart of activation, and customer knowledge at the center of marketing strategy.

Combined with automation, Splio's advanced personalization features enable you to activate customized marketing throughout your customer journeys and communications.

Integrating these functionalities, in addition to our Marketing Automation offer, will enable you to fully exploit the potential of your data and use it to enhance the performance of your campaigns.

Product recommendations in emails

Personalize marketing campaigns by integrating product recommendations, and tailoring post-purchase campaigns according to web and store basket composition, as well as preferred store information

Find out more → product recommendation in email

Product recommendation

Browsing data to support the online customer journey

Track the customer experience on your e-commerce site with the Web Tracker and trigger personalized emails following browsing or shopping cart abandonment.

web tracker

RFM segmentation for personalized content

Use RFM segmentation (Recency, Frequency and Amount), an automatic segmentation that enables better targeting to promote loyalty strategies, develop automated campaigns and scenarios, optimize acquisition costs thanks to Lookalike audiences on Meta and Google...

Read more → RFM segmentation and customer value

RFM segmentation

Analyze your customers, optimize your campaigns

Analyze campaign data to understand what works best and where improvements can be made. Adjust segments, messages and strategies based on performance to optimize marketing effectiveness.

Business Dashboard

Campaign Performance Dashboard

Analyze the performance of your campaigns with the Campaign Performance Dashboard by analyzing the KPIs of your emailings as well as the business KPIs (sales per campaign, Average Order of buyers, web & store sales...).

Customer Dashboard

Get an overview of your database
with the Customer Dashboard to fine-tune your CRM strategies (share of customers/prospects, socio-demographic data, gender, age, etc.).

Business Dashboard

Track the sales activity of your database
with the Business Dashboard, providing a view of the proportion of active customers, average basket, sales by channel (web and store), purchase frequency...

Choose Splio

Exploit the full potential of your data to engage your customers in a unique and lasting relationship.

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