China Connect: how does Loyalty work in China?

26 February

Splio conference at China Connect: How does loyalty work in China?

The Chinese market is constantly moving and is so competitive that the question needs to be asked: can Chinese consumers be loyal to a brand considering the large choice they have in the market? How can international brands today retain and engage their customers in a country where test & learn is a founding principle, where a mass-market approach is over since the e-commerce revolution and where payments are mobile-only & totally digitalized. It changes it all and Loyalty strategies can't be copy-pasted from other regions into such a modern, fast-paced market.

WeChat Loyalty, repeat business and word to mouth are big concerns for European brands launching or selling in China. Today, there are fascinating Chinese brands taking over more and more market share. They are very agile, ultra-digital and hyper-interactive, giving control of their brand & business to the customers themselves and disrupting from scratch business and loyalty experiences.

A big challenge for international brands but also a great perspective for marketers in Europe, who will sooner or later experience this wind of change in their own markets. Let us help you make the move to New Loyalty by inviting you to our conference hosted by our GM in Shanghai, Jean-Baptiste Leblan, at China Connect in Paris on March 13 at 2:55 p.m.: "A never-ending courtship: adapting your loyalty strategy to Chinese consumers.

Date :

Start date: 12/03/2019

Ends: 13/03/2019

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Location :

Maison de la Chimie - Paris.