The 4 Rs of retail marketing

01 June

We all remember the model of the 4 P's of the marketing mix that we learned at university: Producto, Precio, Point of sale (distribution) and Promotion (communication). These 4 P's represent all the variables available to marketers to carry out a marketing strategy that lasts in time.

As a CRM Manager, the last point of "Promotion" is probably the one you are most concerned about. What buttons must be activated to promote engagement and conversion? What channels must be activated to reach your audience as much as possible? What actions must be implemented to promote loyalty? In short, all the questions that you have on a daily basis.

Responding to these questions allows you to respond to a clear and precise objective: to offer a pleasant and differentiating experience to your customers. A context, a relationship, a service that promotes purchase and fosters loyalty. This is the art of retail marketing. And as marketing is based on the 4 Ps, retail marketing also has its 4 pillars: the 4 Rs, which correspond to Relation, Retention, Reward and Cost Reduction.


The number one pillar of CRM. The relationship encompasses the communication, theinteractions and the data that you have with/about your customers. Maintaining a good relationship with your customers is a first step towards recompense, since a satisfied customer is a customer who will return. But it has to be a relationship that is worked on and built up over all the stages of the customer's life cycle. Therefore, it is important to collect a large amount of information (opinions, preferred products, etc.) to ensure that you have the tools to feed this relationship and that the level of satisfaction of your customers remains high.

Campaign: ¡tu opinión nos importa!

casa viva-encuesta

To improve your brand's relationship with each of your customers, it is necessary to ask their opinion. This information is essential for adjusting the approach to future campaigns, either after a purchase or when evaluating the response received. After a purchase, Casa Viva carefully collects the opinions of its customers.





A good CRM strategy is also based on the brand's willingness to follow the solution to its customers' needs. What better tactic than apostar through emotion? Emotion plays an important role in the decision making process of consumers. Your customers must feel that they are the centre of your strategy in order to remain loyal. If they feel important, they will want to find a product in your range that meets their needs and expectations.

bodeboca- inactivos

Campaign: ¡te echamos de menos!

Whether for your customers or prospects, emotion and the feeling of belonging are one of your best allies. For this reason, Bodeboca animates its customers with a personal email to increase their purchase frequency.


Es un poco simplista decirlo, pero si quieres que tus clientes hagan una nueva compra, de vez en cuando debes darles alguna recompensa, incluso si no forman parte de tu programa de fidelidad. A todos nos gusta recibir un poco de atención, un código promocional por nuestro cumpleaños o incluso una mención en redes sociales. Todas las recompensas que se ocurran reafirman la gratitud que sientes hacia tus clientes y fomentan la fidelidad hacia tu marca. Así que dedica un tiempo a pensar cuáles pueden ser las mejores formas de recompensarles.

Campaign: ¡a detalle te espera en tu tienda favorita!

cottet cupon

Any excuse is good for rewarding your customers. La marca de óptica Cottet aprovecha el primer aniversario de la revisión de la vista para regalar a sus clientes un nuevo examen, aportando así un servicio de valor que hace que sus clientes repitan visita a tienda. Or incluso hay marcas que gestionan las visitas a tienda a través de notificaciones push wallet personalizadas.





Cost reduction.

Este paso se centra en definir una experiencia de cliente que sea lo más fácil de implementar para tu marca y que además requiera el mínimo esfuerzo por parte de tus clientes. From the process of recording your brand/product to the purchase process, everything should be as easy and convenient as possible, so that customers only have to focus on the product that interests them.

Campaña: psst ¡estos artículos te están esperando!tostadora-carrito

Para facilitar la vida de tus clientes, ¿Qué mejor idea que enviarles un email personalizado con algunos artículos que les gusten? La Tostadora does not only send an email of abandoned carrito to complete the purchase in one click, but also includes a selection of personalized items that the customer may like. Así, se facilita el proceso de compara simplificando al máximo la tarea, y además se incentiva añadir más productos al carrito.



Hay miles de formas de alcanzar tus objetivos sin dejar de hacer felices a tus clientes. The 4 R's of retail marketing will help you in this task, as well as keeping them in mind before launching each campaign to optimise your results.