Date :
Début : 30/01/2019
Fin : 31/01/2019
Mobile Wallet Marketing places mobile at the heart of a brand’s CRM and New Loyalty strategy. They are not only a payments method, but also native apps integrated into your smartphone, where a lot of data and information are stored every day.
Come join our workshop to find out about the Mobile Wallet Marketing benefits at 11:15 am on Thursday 31st of January.
Mobiles remain an under-exploited device in terms of customer marketing and loyalty. Today it’s possible to use the mobiles as a channel for communications and for privileged interactions with your customers, all without necessarily using an app, a mobile browser or even social networks.
The Splio + Gowento team is very excited to sponsor the E-commerce Connect in Lisbon for the first time, an event dedicated to connecting the e-merchants to the most innovative solutions on the market for boosting their business. On January 30th & 31st, the team will share the success stories from brands that made the move to the Mobile Wallet era either on our booth and during our conference.
Let’s catch up at our booth, and make sure to attend our workshop!